
Kosovar artist makes bold statement for breast cancer awareness – FBC News

Kosovar artist makes bold statement for breast cancer awareness – FBC News

Kosovar artist makes bold statement for breast cancer awareness – FBC News

(Source: Reuters)

On a sunny October day in Pristina, women line up at a stand to donate bras to be turned into bags sold to raise money for those with breast cancer, as part of a project launched by artist Ermira Murati to sensitizes Kosovar women.

For the fourth consecutive year in October – breast cancer awareness month worldwide – Murati is collecting bras as part of a campaign called “Shliroj Cicat” (Free the boobs), which for its logo, including a drawing resembling a cartoon breast, led to criticism in the patriarchal society of Kosovo.

Despite criticism from some in 90% Muslim Kosovo, Shkurte Kafexholli was happy to donate a bra.

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“We are here to support ‘Shliroj Cicat'” she said.

Bra bags of all sizes and colors are then displayed on social media.

With the money raised from selling them, Murati buys mastectomy bras, which look like regular bras with pockets inside to hold breast prostheses in place, or other extras women might need.

“You can carry your bra like a bag.” Murati said.

“That means you can use them in a different way and in an even more meaningful way.”

According to the figures of the Ministry of Health of Kosovo, in 2022 approximately 547 new cases of breast cancer were registered in Kosovo.

Murati is known in Kosovo for her provocative work.

Her two previous projects – one showing two men in Albanian national dress kissing on the mouth and another showing a Kosovo leader and a Serbian leader kissing on the mouth also drew criticism.

“What I do is very challenging” she says as she packs her bags in a basement studio just a few meters from Pristina’s main mosque.

“It doesn’t create a lot of comfort for a lot of people.”