
Metro Police accuse man of raping two teenage girls after stalking them

Metro Police accuse man of raping two teenage girls after stalking them

Metro Police arrest a man accused of sexually assaulting teenage girls in South Nashville after stalking them.

That’s because rapes in Davidson County are up from last year.

Metro Police said the girls who were sexually assaulted were 17 and 15 years old.

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare.

Dejuan Moore is behind bars accused of a brutal murder.

He faces charges of aggravated rape, aggravated assault and kidnapping involving the three teenage girls.

These attacks took place on November 24.

Metro police said it all started around 2 a.m. at a gas station when Moore approached the teenage girls asking them to a party, they said no and left.

They said the suspect then followed them, causing the girls to panic and end up pulling up behind the Dollar General on Lafayette Street. Then things went terribly wrong.

An affidavit obtained by FOX 17 News accuses Moore of firing a gun on the girls and sexually assaulting two of them: a 15-year-old and a 17-year-old.

Police said the third teenager in the backseat called 911.

“To have someone force that sacred thing from you is just degrading, demoralizing and terrifying,” said Verna Wyatt, co-founder of Tennessee Voices for Victims.

She said certain violent crimes continue to rise in Nashville.

Metro Police statistics show that rapes have increased in the county by 19.7% compared to last year.

“It’s sad the level of violence we’re seeing more and more every day,” Wyatt said.

Even with Moore in custody, Wyatt suggests the scars will be hard to heal.

She recommends victims get help at places like the Sexual Assault Center.

“It’s very difficult, very difficult for the people who love them as well,” Wyatt said.

She also wants the justice system to hold people accountable.

If Moore is convicted, Wyatt said, “I hope he goes away for a while.”

He has a court date scheduled for tomorrow morning.

He is being held on $800,000 bond.

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