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* Agents with Real Geeks websites only*

We are not associated or affiliated with Real Geeks. We only use Real Geeks with our clients as they are the best.

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Mitch was a brand new agent in Nanaimo, BC when he started his Real Estate Career. He joined a Real Estate team initially but made the decision after 3 months to go out on his own to build his own brand. 

– Within 4-5 months Mitch generated over $70,000 in Commission from Google Ads

– Within 12 months Mitch generated over $130,000 in Commission from Google Ads

– Top 100 ReMax Realtors in Western Canada for April

– Real Estate Agent of the Year for ReMax Nanaimo (2020)


Here’s more messages:

Frank closed his first sale 5 weeks after working with us.  

Sarah had a ready to go buyer and potential seller within 2 days of working with us. She was a brand new agent and was nervous to call the leads. We got on the phone with her and gave her a script to follow. 30 minutes later we received this email!

Troy booked a meeting with a seller lead within 5 days of working with us. He ended up closing this lead for $10,000 commission.

Real Geeks E-Book Download: Click Here

Our Ad Results

Consistently generated qualified leads for $2-5

Facebook Retargeting leads for $3.4 CAD

127 leads from Facebook ads for $4.21 CAD

Leads for $3.5

Brand new campaign for a client, leads $2.7

Exclusive buyer leads for $5.5 CAD

Mitch was a brand new agent in Nanaimo, BC when he started his Real Estate Career. He joined a Real Estate team initially but made the decision after 3 months to go out on his own to build his own brand. Mitch contacted us as he was leaving his team, we helped set up his entire lead/sales process. We setup his email/SMS sequences, optimized his website and ran Google ads.

– Within 4-5 months Mitch generated over $70,000 in Commission from Google Ads

– Within 12 months Mitch generated over $130,000 in Commission from Google Ads

– Top 100 ReMax Realtors in Western Canada for April

– Real Estate Agent of the Year for ReMax Nanaimo (2020)


Frank closed his first sale 5 weeks after working with us.  

Sarah had a ready to go buyer and potential seller within 2 days of working with us. She was a brand new agent and was nervous to call the leads. We got on the phone with her and gave her a script to follow. 30 minutes later we received this email!

Troy booked a meeting with a seller lead within 5 days of working with us. He ended up closing this lead for $10,000 commission.

Here’s more messages:

Real Geeks E-Book Download: Click Here

Our Ad Results

Consistently generated qualified leads for $2-5

Facebook Retargeting leads for $3.41

127 leads through Facebook ads for $4.21/lead CAD

Google ads buyer leads for $3.5

New campaign generating $2.7 leads

Exclusive qualified leads for $5.5 CAD

Real Geeks E-Book Download: Click Here

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